
Die neue ACUVUE OASYS® 1-Day for ASTIGMATISM Kontaktlinse wirkt im Einklang mit der natürlichen Tränenflüssigkeit des Auges und bietet einen ausgezeichneten Tragekomfort sowie eine langanhaltende, klare und stabile Sehqualität für den ganzen Tag.1,3

Technische Daten:

Linsenmaterial: Senofilcon A
HydraLuxe™ Technologie mit integriertem Benetzungswirkstoff Polyvinylpyrrolidone (PVP)
Sauerstofftransmissibilität (Dk/t)5 (boundary und edge corrected)*: 129 × 10–9 (–3.00 dpt Linse)
Sauerstofffluss†​ (% der zentralen Hornhaut verfügbar): 98% (Bei geöffnetem Auge)
Wassergehalt: 38%
Klasse-1-UV-Schutz**: 99% UVB, 96% UVA (UV-Schutz der Klasse 1)
Mittendicke: 0,08 mm (–3,00 dpt)

1.JJVC data on file 2016.HydraLuxe™ Technology definition

2. JJVC data on file 2017. Proportion astigmats accommodated with ACUVUE® Brand Contact Lenses for ASTIGMATISM 3. JJVC data on file 2016. Single-masked, 2-visit, bilateral wear, single arm 1-week DW dispensing study of 162 US habitual toric soft contact lens wearers in both eyes with a spherical distance refraction of -1.50D to -4.00D (inclusive), cylinder correction of 0.75D to 1.50D after vertex correction (inclusive) and refractive cylinder axis within 180±15° or 90±15°.

Die Blisterlösung enthält Borsäure und Dinatriumtetraborat (Borax), um den pH-Wert der Lösung zu regulieren.

* All Dk values: Fatt units at 35°C, determined via polarographic method (boundary & edge corrected).
† % available to central cornea (open eye); compared to 100% with no lens; Brennan NA. Beyond flux: Total corneal oxygen consumption as index of corneal oxygenation during CL wear. OVS 2005;82(6):467–72.
**All ACUVUE® Brand Contact Lenses have Class 1 or Class 2 UV-blocking to help provide protection against transmission of harmful UV radiation to the cornea and into the eye. UV-absorbing contact lenses are NOT substitutes for protective UV-absorbing eyewear such as UV-absorbing goggles or sunglasses because they do not completely cover the eye and surrounding area. UV transmission measured with –1.00D lens.